Thursday, 9 June 2011



I juz  woke up from my nice sleep , and it is at 2 am .....  everyone in my house is  sleeping  but i  blogging......  nice  ha:)   actually  my biggest  dream  is  to be a student in Sydney  University , but being a student in UUM  is  not  so  bad  ......  huhuhu  ...  rite,  i have no ideas rite now, so juz  showing   some  pictures  from me in fact i think im gonna promote  my  University....  UUM  is  the  largest  university in  Malaysia , and we have our own stadium , a lake for water sports , an olympic size pool , archery field  and  also  equestrian park.....  go kart also..... and we also  students  from various  countries....  
THIS IS SYDNEY UNIVERSITY....  my dream ,  classic rite....

wish i can further my study in here

now  this  is  my  university.... UUM  main entrance...
that  bus is  for  students, the  bus  will pick us  to campus bcoz my residential hall  is  outside UUM
THIS is my nice residential hall.... i live there.look how  cozy it is... :)
our  fav  library.....  its  big and i hate  going inside and find my book... so juz sitting at the lobby

this is UUM  main hall...  mainly  used  for  graduation ceremony, final xzam...

basically  UUM can  be  divided into  3 main colleges  which are UUM  CAS , UUM  COB , UUM  COLGIS
and im  studying  under  UUM  COLGIS
so  now  clearly  im  promoting  my  university , ok they  should give me sumthing..!!!   peuwh...  for more info juz google about it yeah...........   UUM  rocks!!! even it was build in the jungle, but its  my  father  said, the environment  is  good  for  your  brain..ahaahaha....
At  UUM  also , i found my besties , my dearies.... so  UUM  rocks  once  again...  am i overacting???  yes i think...  so  until here ill  stop... will be  updating  after i found sumthing to eat...ok  bye,,,wasalam

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